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​About Us​​​

The Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority (RSNSA) was established on 19 March 2019, upon the proclamation of the Radiation ​Safety and Nuclear Security Act 2018, as an effectively independent regulatory body with main objectives -​

  • ​​​​​​(i) to regulate all radiation sources and practices involving the use of ionising radiation for th​e adequate protection of people and the environment against the harmful effects of ionising radiation;​
  • ​​​​(ii) to create the conditions for the promotion of radiation safety and nuclear security cult​ure; and 

(iii) to promote education, training, research and development in the field of radiation safety and nuclear security.

The RSNSA is a government department operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities.

​The RSNSA is registered to​ MS ISO 9001:2015 by the Mauritius Standards Bureau, and the scope of our registration to this quality standard encompasses all our services.  Our registration to MS I​SO 9001:2015 clearly demonstrates our commitment to embrace the standard as a fundamental element for our continuous improvement and development to ac​hieve excellence. ​​​​


To regulate and control all radiation sources and practices for the adequate protection of people and the environment against the harmful effects of ionising radiation.


To be a centre of excellence in radiation safety and nuclear security.


The main functions of the RSNSA are: -

      • ​(i) to develop policies and regulations for radiation safety, nuclear security and safeguards;

    • (ii) to develop and issue rules, codes and guidelines, in accordance with international safety standards, for the regulatory control of radiation sources and practices;

    • (iii) to establish and maintain a national register of radiation sources, licensees, radiation workers, radiation protection officers and service providers;

    • (iv) to issue licenses for the conduct of radiation practices, and permits for import and export of radiation sources;

    • (v) to inspect, monitor and assess radiation sources and practices for the purpose of verifying compliance with the Act;

    • (vi) to take appropriate enforcement actions in the event of non-compliance with the Act;

    • (vii) to ensure preparedness for radiological emergencies and provide support and advice for effective response to such emergencies;

    • (viii) to provide training on radiation safety and nuclear security, as appropriate, for the effective implementation of the Act; 

    • (ix) to communicate with national authorities, regulatory bodies of other States and with other relevant international organisations, including IAEA, to promote cooperation and exchange regulatory related information and experience; 

    • (x) to inform and consult the pub​lic and other interested parties about the regulatory process and the safety, health and environmental aspects of regulated practices, including incidents and abnormal occurrences;

    • (xi) to assist in fulfilling the obligations of Mauritius with regard to relevant international legal instruments; and

    • (xii) to advise the Government on matters related to the peaceful use of ionising radiation.


We provide and promote the following values ​-






Please Click her​e to have a copy of our Policy Statement 



The RSNSA is administered and managed by the Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Board which comprises the Chairman, and eight other members who are representatives of Mi​nistries and Departments. The Director is the head of the Authority and is responsible to the Board for the managem​ent of its day-to-day business.

 The Organisational Structure of the RSNSA comprises the following 3 units​

​The Governance and External Affairs Unit

​The Regulatory U​nit

​The Services Unit
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